
Fresh as a southern breeze...

About This Template

This is the eighth template from Demus Design. It validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and the CSS also checks out. You can learn more about this template here and also see a style demo.

About This Template

I developped this template for a independent study I did on church websites. The original is here. It seemed like a good basic template so I decided to re-do some of the colors, fix some validation problems, and submit it to Open Designs.

Known Issues

In IE6, the top menu looks a little choppy because of some padding issues. Stu Nicholls over at CSS Play fixes this with a small piece of javascript, which OpenDesigns does not allow. If this cosmetic problem concerns you, you can see the full version here or download it from my homepage.

Navigation Galore

In addition to trying to make the layout as simple (and complete) as possible, I also focused on allowing for lots and lots of navigation options, so that a visitor never has to feel lost on the page. There is of course the main menu - a purely css drop down menu, top navigation (maybe for site-meta stuff like log in and register?), a root menu that shows you how you got to the page you're on, a sub nav menu that shows all the other pages in that category, and nav in the footer. Overkill? I'll let you be th judge. Any of them can easily be removed.


My CSS drop down menu is from Stu Nicholls at CSS Play.

Main image adapted from original by Nichitus at

The color scheme originated from mierlagypsy at ColourLovers.